I was talking about backsplashes in this chapter. Here is an example of a half-splash (my term). The smoother counter top material finds it way up the wall. In this case it covers the rougher panted brick wall which would be very difficult to clean.
Look at that interesting vent hood and light above the range top on the left.
Photo is from pixabay.com taken by sferrario1968
Here is a wonderful example of a glass backsplash. The back of the glass has been painted a dark indigo blue.
Often the painted back glass is glued to the wall, but it can be spaced out from the wall slightly which will keep it from sticking to the wall. This needs to be installed by a glass professional.
Photo from pixabay.com and taken by sean891
I found this in an article by Aston Smith. You can find the whole article here: https://patch.com/new-jersey/chatham/bp–art-in-your-kitchen-fused-glass-backsplashes
Isn’t this gorgeous!! This is the work of Tom and Saundra Snyder of Charlotte, N.C. They have a studio and design center in Pineville, NC. They work as a team. Saundra uses watercolors to fashion the design and Tom cuts the glass and creates the fused piece. https://designerglassmosaics.com/
Maybe I will get a chance to visit their studio some time.